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"Explore the Aquatic World"
Get "Refreshed" by diving into SCUBA again! Class is divided into three parts:
•Dive Knowledge Review - this course begins with a review of your Basic Open Water academics, followed by a review of planning and conducting dives, whether using dive tables or a personal dive computer.
•Dive Skills Review - next, your Instructor will conduct a review of basic in-water SCUBA skills and make sure you are comfortable executing them. Arrangements may be made with your Instructor to expand this course to include an open water ocean dive session on one of our local dive charter boats.
•Dive Ocean Accomplishment - this course is concluded with an evaluation of your Open Water performance, take an aquatic tour with your Instructor either via a (1) Tank Ocean Beach Dive or a (2) Tank Ocean Boat Trip.
SCUBA Diving will change your LIFE!
Entry Requirements:
Certified SCUBA Diver